OC TAX GROUP INC is Licensed To File Tax Returns In All 50 States.

Experienced in Audit Defense, Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation - Individual, Partnerships/LLC, S-Corp/C-Corp, Trust.

Serving Clients In: Small Business, Entertainment, Real Estate & Retirees + more.

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1440 N Harbor Blvd

Fullerton, CA 92835

By Appointment Only

(949) 430-0433


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Contact us.

If you need help filing your taxes, getting caught up on prior year's tax returns, or managing your finances set up an appointment right away. Together we can develop a plan to get you on the right track to savings and financial security.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
― Benjamin Franklin

FAQs - Expert Tax Advice

Refer to our blog for detailed knowledge on a variety of tax subjects

What do I need to file my taxes?

The short answer: Identification (Full names, Social Security numbers, and birth dates of everyone on the return) current address of primary person on tax return. Proof of income sources: W-2’s, 1099’s, Social Security Benefits Statement … +more.

How do I file taxes as a self employed/ independent contractor?

If you are self employed your tax situation is vastly different from that of an employee. For one you will need to keep track of your own income and expenses throughout the year. If need be, preparation to pay estimated taxes throughout the year would be helpful so you are not surprised with a huge tax bill when its time to file. Click here for an in depth dive into how we can help you get prepared.

How soon will I receive my refund?

If you are receiving a refund the best way is to have it direct deposited into your checking or savings account. Estimated time of deposit from date of e-file is 2 weeks possibly sooner. If you do not have a bank account or prepaid debit card you can have a paper check delivered to you. Be prepared to wait 5 weeks for check to arrive. Use this tool from the IRS to check your current year refund status.

Are unemployment benefits / Paid Family Leave taxable?

Unemployment benefits and Paid Family leave are taxable on the federal tax return. There is an option to withhold taxes from your benefits which will help mitigate your tax liability during filing time. Depending on your state these benefits may or may not be taxable. For example, here in California these benefits are not subject to tax.

What is the maximum I can make before I need to file taxes?

If you are a single person under the age of 65 generally you do not need to file if you make under $12,200, if married filing jointly and both under 65 then $24,400. There are exceptions to this rule such as earning self-employment income etc… You can use this free tool from the IRS to determine if you need to file or not.

Are Social Security Benefits Taxable?

If Social Security benefits are your only source of income chances are that it is not going to be taxable. Conversely, if you have many streams of income, social security being one of them a portion of your benefits could be taxable. You can use this tool provided by the IRS to determine how much of your SSI benefits are taxable.